Friday, January 7, 2011

Not everyday.

Now don't get me wrong, I didn't get high off my drug everyday. There were times that I would say to myself, STOP!  Even as a pre-teen, I knew that what I was doing wasn't right.  I knew that eating all day everyday, sneaking food, wasn't right.  So, I would tell myself, stop, no more and I would............. for a little while anyway.  Looking back, I so wish that I would have opened up to my parents, I don't know why I didn't.  I know they would have understood and done whatever they could in their power to help me, but I didn't, I kept it bottle up inside.  If I would have shared maybe they would have helped me figure out why? And helped me stop so that I would not have had to suffer in silence for so many years. 

Maybe, my mom wouldn't have kept me on a diet and watched everything I put in my mouth.  Looking back, I am happy she did, and I am mad that she did.  I am happy that my mom watched my food, made me be active, and kept me on a diet when I picked up weight.  I am happy because if she would have let me eat what I wanted when I wanted, I would have been an obsese kid because I was already stuffing myself silently with food.  I will discuss why I am mad, and talk about the first diet I went on later, just not today. 

I still don't know what entered my head and made me open up like this and write this blog.  It is like a seed was planted in me months ago to do this and it just kept growing until I had no choice but to start this blog.  The little voice kept saying, Nicole tell your story, tell the whole story from beginning to end.  There are days that I want to write and the voice will say, no say this.......... wait and say that.  I have received a lot of private emails from people who have said, Nicole, I am a ghost follower...... and I want to thank you for sharing that because it really helped me and they will explain why.  I now know that God is that voice and he is using me as a vessle to help others. 

So, I am going to keep blogging, I am going to keep opening up, even though this takes so much out of me mentally and emotionally.

Also, I don't have this weight thing figured out at all.  I am still very scared, I worry, will I fall off the wagon, will I go back to my old habits.  I thank God for my sister Cher, she keeps me from going too far left, which is something I am good at when I have a goal I want to reach.  I get so focused on a particular goal that I pretty much become obsessed (to the point of being manic) until I reach it.

Until tomorrow,



  1. Nicole, I love the fact that you're digging way past deep to share your hurt and pain. I'm learning more and more from you everyday.

  2. Girl you are helping me as well...on my low days, I reread your previous post to help me refocus and dig even deeper. I am back on track, but I still have emotional hangups that make the wagon disappear from under me...your blog helps me to hop back in the wagon.
