Saturday, February 12, 2011

Off Topic, but I had to share!

As of today, I have lost 151 pounds!!!! OMG! I can wear a size 10 out of The Limited, Express, New York and Company, the Loft. I should be happy about this right? I should love buying clothes right? Well I don't. I have to try on everything and nothing fits right. But, I am glad that I have lost 151 pounds and I am happy that I don't take insulin or high blood pressure meds anymore.

I plan on blogging tomorrow. But, I did want to share this news. Size 6 here I come.


  1. Lady! Congratulations!!! it's been a while since highschool and i decided to read your blog randomly today! i've been off track for a while now and looking for inspiration to get 'back in line' with my workouts and food... i was a size 3/4 only 6 months ago when i was a size 22 after my son was born 4 years ago -- BUT i'm back up to a size 7/8 and gradually moving back into a size 9/10 comfortably... I just wanted to comment on your hard work! All my beachbody friends and coaches say "keep pushing play" -- and you have motivated me to start getting back into routine and stop with the junk food!!!!! Have a wonderful Sunday!!

  2. Congrats! and thanks for sharing your story....what an inspiration.

  3. Congrats are doing awesome and an inspiration.
