Thursday, April 7, 2011

Still traveling.........

After Cancun, there were a few more trips....... Memphis, Bahamas Cruise, and Philly.

Let's see..... Memphis, was cool, good food but a lot of walking. We tried a lot of new restaurants, and saw some major tourist attractions. I got to go to Graceland.... I love Elvis (seriously). Shona went to the races on her own one night because it was just too much for me. I stayed in the room.


Shona and I went to Philly to visit my cousins Robert and June. They are an older couple that have been married for over 60 years. They are so much fun, so full of energy and life, you honestly forget that they are in their late 70's early 80's. During this trip I got sick. I mean I didn't get sick to the point that people noticed, but I got sick till the point that it scared me.

You see the first night that we arrived, we took a limo ride to Deleware and ate at this nice seafood restaurant. While at the restaurant, I had trouble catching my breath, I felt honestly like I was dying. I excused myself from the table and went to the bathroom. I sat in one of the chairs and tried to catch my breath. I was also sweating really badly and my vision was blurred. I must have looked real crazy because a lady came in the restroom and asked if I was okay. Then she was like do you need an ambulance. I just sat for a few more minutes, finally caught my breath then I went back out with everyone else. I told my cousin, who is more like an Uncle that I was okay, just had a little cold. We ate and went on with everything.

To get to our room you had to walk up stairs. It was only a few stairs, but I had to stop in the middle of the stairway because I couldn't make it up all of them. My 80 year old cousin gets up every morning at 5 and walks 5 miles. LOL. He asked me if I wanted to join him. Yeah, right. I know it was his way of trying to address my weight. His wife (who I love) mentioned to me in casual conversation that her good friend who had a Ph.D was a diabetic and didn't take care of herself, now she is blind, and has lost one of her legs. She also mentioned that she had a lady friend from the church who had surgery and lost a bunch of weight. Now, I know Ms. June, she was talking to me without saying, Nicole we are worried.

Before we left for our next trip which was a cruise, I noticed some things. I noticed that my toes tingled a little. I noticed that I had less energy than normal. I also noticed that I was sleeping more and I was sweating really badly at night. I ignored everything, which is something that I am really good at. I remember one night I was eating a large gallon thing of ice cream, half way through I felt so sick, I started sweating really badly, and my head felt weird. I went to bed, it was probably 6:00PM, I didn't wake up again until 8:00AM, those of you that really know me, you know that I am a morning person and sleeping until 8:00AM is rare for me.

Well, time for the cruise. Notice, I haven't mentioned diet in a long time. That's because I wasn't on one anymore. Remember, that lady told me I didn't need to diet.

Shona, my friend Pam, and I left for the cruise. We drove to the port. On the cruise, I was more thirsty than normal. So, to quench my thirst, I had adult frozen drinks. Well, after a few of those, I noticed again, man I feel bad. On the way home from the cruise, I was driving, and I couldn't keep my eyes open. We had to pull over and Shona or Pam (I can't remember) had to drive. On the drive back I called my doctor's office and made an appointment.

I hate going to the doctor...............

1 comment:

  1. I'm no MD, but your symptoms appear to be far from severe. I'm sure it's nothing but a mild case of hypochondria. Good thing you're seeing the doctor though. It's always wise to be sure.
